Artwork from the Broken/Unbreakable saga
Explore the paintings from Sjana's project The Broken/Unbreakable saga, continuing with the second half of the saga, Unbreakable.
Unbreakable, the second chapter, is set in the present and offers a glimpse into the future, symbolising hope and freedom. This chapter explores and faces the emotional tangles that are left as well as dealing with difficult circumstances and individuals and doing so with confidence and humour while still being raw and vulnerable at the core. Unbreakable is stoic and brave.

You Will Never Have Me
This art piece shows spiritual rebirth and inner strength.
The dead body symoolizes your surroundings which you cannot control but the light rising above it is the spirit breaking free and the bright landscape symbolises new beginnings.

Look at Me
It’s about standing up for yourself and taking flight from the ashes and into the light.

The Flame
It shows someone who’s being guided through the dark and into the light, it's about strength and not giving up.

It is about transformation- life giving you a golden opportunity to finally step into your power and heal your wounds.
Hopeful and brighter times ahead.

Oh Yeah?
It is about confrontation and standing up for yourself. It shows the truth coming up to the surface.

Liar Liar
Lies will always backfire- here you can see the liar being tangled up in their own tongue of lies.

This is the sequel to ‘Liar Liar’, except now shit has hit the fan. What goes around comes back around. You reap what you sow.

I Don't Have Time For This
Don't give away your precious time to people who will only waste it!

Empty Words
Someone’s mind is completely empty but they still babble on. All lights on but nobody is home.

Mr. Know It All
This is someone who thinks they’re always right even tho they are in the wrong. They’re so full of themselves that at this point they've babbled their head off and all that comes out of it is nonsense.

Know My Worth
It is about showing yourself love and kindness and allowing yourself to bloom.

As I Am
This is the same mountain from the Broken chapter which symoolizes the self-image, except now it has transformed because of the sun and light from supportive loved ones.

It is stoic and showcases strength and confidence.

Stockholm Syndrome
Stockholm Syndrome is an unofficial pop culture term for a coping mechanism that is often developed in a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings and oftentimes become empathetic towards the abuser over time and codependant.
This piece is a promise to yourself that you’ll never go back to that state of mind.

I Hope You've Changed
Coping with old memories can be bittersweet, as you hope the person who has done you and others wrong changes for the better.

Words I'll Never Say Out Loud
It is a delicate yet powerful letter of sorts about inner thoughts and feelings you’re too scared to say out loud- only to find out it’s what frees you in the end.

This is my goodbye to the abuser and the circumstances that surrounded me- finally returning the responsibility to one’s it belongs.