Málverk úr Broken/Unbreakable sögunni
Skoðaðu málverkin úr Broken/Unbreakable sögunni, sem hefst með fyrri hluta sögunnar, Broken.
Broken/Unbreakable er tvískipt stórplata sem ég gaf nýverið út sem fjallar um kynferðisofbeldi sem ég varð fyrir sem barn. Sagan er ferðalag frá fortíðinni (Broken) fram til dagsins í dag (Unbreakable) og málaði ég málverk við hvert lag á plötunni til að veita betri innsýn í söguna.
Aðal þemað á sögunni er fönixinn, Broken táknar öskuna og dauðann á meðan Unbreakable táknar endurfæðinguna og upprisu. Broken á sér stað í kuldanum að vetri til á meðan Unbreakable boðar vorið og nýja tíma.
Fyrri hlutinn af þessari sögu, Broken, er staðsettur í fortíðinni og afhjúpar martraðir og leyndarmál í gegnum augu barns. Broken er að mestu leyti frá sjónarhorni barnsins á meðan ofbeldið á sér stað en einblínir einnig á afleiðingar þess, og þungann sem fylgir því að kljást við þetta sem fullorðinn.
Broken er viðkæmur og þungur heimur þangað til rétt undir lok kaflans, þá birtist vonargeisli.

Playing in the Snow
Playing in the Snow describes the innocence of a child, hence using the snow as a metaphor for innocence and purity.

Bloody Waters
Bloody Waters hints that something sinister has happened.
The bloody waters are the crimes that have been committed against innocent souls.

It shows the tense and uneasy feeling of being around the perpetrator.

White Noise
It captures the feeling of fear and self-doubt.

Blame is about the heaviness of self-hatred and self-blaming.

It shows the aftermath of the abuse- feeling hopeless and broken. Grieving the innocence that has been lost.

Protect Me
It’s about the coping mechanisms of a traumatized child. The child now has their broken wings wrapped around them for protection.

Breaking My Heart
This art piece shows the effects of self-doubt and guilt. It’s a depiction of a broken self-image.

The Truth
You can never know someone’s full story by the mask they put up.
This art piece also shows all the emotional tangles behind that mask.

Close tells a story about being trapped in complete darkness, alone and being desperate for help.

Can You Hear Me?
It reflects the emotions of a victim not feeling seen or heard.

Cold reflects the perpetrator’s lack of empathy and coldness.

I'm Sorry It Ended This Way
There's a mix of complex emotions that a lot of victims go through after being abused by someone close to them. This particular piece illustrates the sorrow and pain of things not working out as you wanted them to, and feeling regret and guilt for a situation you’re not responsible for. Although it may seem as though it's over just because something has ended- something new has begun. The tears are cleansing.

The truth can be painful but liberating at the same time. In that pain, you may find clarity.
Using the phoenix as metaphor, your tears can be healing.

This art piece is a slow shift from complete hopelessness towards hope and light and so the healing journey begins.

To Little Me
It is a look into the mirror of timelessness- saying goodbye to your past self.

The Beginning Of The End
This is the end of this chapter but the beginning of a new one. It’s the calm after the storm- looking back at all the ruins and towards the work that lies ahead with hopefulness.